Police in Brazil kill 8 people a day and police in Rio de Janeiro kill every 15 hours.

Brazil Violencia

Moral Monday CT will stand in solidarity with the people of Brazil, won’t you stand with us?

According to Amnesty International, police brutality has increased as police “clean up” for the Olympics. The U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child said that the current wave of police violence in Brazil is done in order to “present a problem-free city to the world” for the Olympics.

The Connecticut Black Lives Matter organization along with Brazil Police Watch are going to Rio de Janeiro to stand in solidBlack Lives Matterarity with activists and victims of police violence. 

In this, we are in solidarity with the people who have been killed by police — by the very state sworn to protect us —  in the United States, Brazil and everywhere.   The latest of these is #AltonSterling, we #SayHisName and honor his life.

As Brazilians protest the Olympics with the chant “Para quem?” (For whom?) it is imperative that we recognize the genocide and stand with our sisters and brothers. The Brazilian police have a long history of violence against the Afro-Brazilian community.

Genocidio BrazilWe conclude our trip on July 23rd — the 24th anniversary of the Candelaria Massacre when police in Rio killed 8 sleeping homeless children.

We are going to affirm that

Black Lives Matter Everywhere

Help Support Moral Monday CT’s Delegation

Goal: Raise $5,000 by July 18thSend Moral Monday CT to Brazil

Send Bishop John L. Selders, Jr. CLS, D.D and Lady Pamela Selders to Rio. Your generous donation will pay for:

  • housing
  • ground transportation
  • meals
  • room rental fees
  • staff time

Thank you so much for your support as you stand in solidarity with us.

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