Black scholars are targeted, intimidated, and punished. Opposition to oppression does not constitute hate speech. What constitutes academic freedom? #ThinkingWhileBlack
A False Sense of Superiority: Racial Prejudice and Cultural Appropriation
Moral Monday CT invited a young Hartford-based artist, Mieykeya Nycole McClendon, to share her work with us. Her capstone project focuses on the social injustices faced by people of African descent in the United States. Her project displays the reality of cultural appropriation and racial prejudice in America. In her own words... "The first painting that I completed is called … Continue reading A False Sense of Superiority: Racial Prejudice and Cultural Appropriation
Power to the People
During our #MonthofResistance, we at @MoralMondayCT encourage you to reclaim your power and the power of the people: February 20th #WorldDayofSocialJustice (and President’s Day) Mark it with a community clap back at #OVERREACH #WhyWeClapback POTUS #45 has his tweeting fingers on Executive Orders; law enforcement feels even more taser and trigger happy since November; and … Continue reading Power to the People
A Black Woman’s Perspective on the Million Women March
This is a time of resistance, our eyes are open, our ears are listening, and our voices are going to be heard. I urge my fellow women to stay strong in solidarity, stay woke, and fight back.
Built on the Stories of Many Lives: Art for a Change
Moral Monday CT Welcomes Guest Artist Wendy Ann West to Talk About Her Black Lives Matter Series and her work which is "Built on the Stories of Many Lives" Art for Social Change