March 21, 2019


Dear Freedom Fighting Colleagues of Faith and Conscious,

It’s time to activate again with prophetic voice, witness and presence.  We are partnering with our friends from the DUE Justice Coalition and are inviting you to join us on April 4th as we honor Dr. King’s memory and fight for income equality in CT!

Thursday, April 4th
4:00 PM
Legislative Office Building, 300 Capitol Ave, Hartford CT

RSVP for details


We will once more stand in solidarity and urge our elected leaders to pass a MORAL BUDGET that supports all CT residents and asks the wealthy to pay their fair share.  It is critical we show up and make our appeal known to every fair minded citizen of our small yet vibrant state.

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In #solidarity for a #moralbudget2019,

Lady Pamela Selders
Bishop John Selders
Co-Founders, MMCT

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