22181534_2030552590557099_2111956026598732060_oHello MMCT Family!

Wow! It’s been a little over a week and we are still walking on clouds to the overwhelming supportive response to the #CTR4RJ….March and Rally for Racial Justice last Sunday, October 1st.


Hundreds of you our friends, partners, supporters and fellow freedom fighters joined together in downtown Hartford…so many familiar faces, so many well-wishers…too many to name.

Thank you!

The event was a success! And the credit goes to each and every one of you who participated.

With our co-sponsor, Women’s March-CT, we met at Hartford City Hall marched to Vernon and Broad for that great #Take-A-Knee In and to such an inspirational Rally for #RacialJustice.

Special thanks to the #PuertoRican Hurricane Relief Network!

22140875_2030543830557975_3658509454624423598_n.jpgAnd to all of our Partners: ACLU CT, CT Chapter of the National Organization for Women (CT NOW), Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Fund (CWEALF), CT Students for a Dream, CT CORE-Organize Now!, CT Latinas In The Resistance, Black Lives Matter-New Haven, CT Alliance to End Sexual Violence, NARAL Pro-Choice Connecticut, True Colors, Center for Latino Progress, SEIU 1199, GLSEN Connecticut, Mothers United Against Violence, PFLAG, Compass Peace Builders, Anti War Resisters League New England, the ANSWER Coalition. CT Cross Disability LifeSpan Alliance, San Juan Center, Muslim Coalition of CT, Emerge CT, Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, CT Puerto Rican Agenda, CICD Day Hartford Puerto Rican Parade, Hispanic Federation, CCADV, AFT-CT, Fight for $15 CT, Triangle Community Center, Socialist Action CT, Trinity College Democrats Club, Indivisible CT, The Event Staff of Trinity College.

Thank You!

And lastly, we have to say thank you…. Mel Medina, Dan Durant, Jason Ortiz, all the speakers and performers and to our Moral Monday CT staff team (Lisa, Charon, Hannah)! You made it happen!




Lady Pamela and Bishop John Selders

One thought on “Thank You #CTR4RJ

  1. Connecticut needs to protest Gov. Malloy’s attack on the poor with his new budget bill that begins January 1, 2018 which will make numerous cuts to Medicaid as well as the Medicare Advantage Savings Program. This will hurt seniors, the poor, the disabled, and of course many in the African American community which the governor clearly doesn’t care about. I think that Rev. Al Sharpton should be contact and a huge Black Lives Matter protest needs to be done to force Governor Malloy to reverse this racist, hateful attack on the poor. We need a government that works for everyone not just those at the top. Why isn’t the governor going after the wealthy big business instead? Of course these overpaid white CEO’s get away with everything, now the state needs money and they want to take away what little the poor have left. The people of Connecticut must demand social justice!

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