20729307_10212709165939123_8499388241264813147_n.jpgAugust 13, 2017

The events of the last several days in Charlottesville have come as another consciousness shaking example of the how far we have to go on the journey towards justice.  We are witnessing today’s expression of what is present in our world where hate, deception and fear (as Howard Thurman described in “Jesus and the Disinherited”) continues to dominate our society.

We also saw the courageous witness of many of our freedom fighting family members as they held the line in love, justice and freedom in the face of the mean-spirited life threatening racism, white supremacy and neo-Nazism.

What took place was horrible!

We are saddened by the hatred, violence, injuries and loss of life that has occurred in Charlottesville as a result of those purposed to extort vengeance out of this nation.  This is not new, unfortunately.  And it is why we have come together to share in the work of justice making as Moral Monday CT.

It is difficult for us, as we are away attending to family and other matters in Chicago and St. Louis. While we would have been right in the middle of the goings on, we were not in Charlottesville nor are we in Connecticut at this moment to share in leadership in solidarity events scheduled across the state.

We encourage you our MMCT family to #StandUpForJustice in whatever way you can in the coming days and know we are with you in spirit and love!


Bishop John and Lady Pamela Selders, Co-Founders, MMCT

3 thoughts on “Charlottesville

  1. We will represent you and Lady Pamela in Bridgeport McLevy Green Rally. ‘Tell old Pharoah…#LetMyPeopleGo!’

  2. Thank you for speaking out. We must proclaim our support for continuing to grow together in peace.
    Marcia Leonard U U S E

  3. Thank you for reminding Hartford and Connecticut residents the importance of solidarity to elicit change both locally, state-wide and nationally.

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