December 7, 2016

Moral Monday CT stands in solidarity with the host of others from across the country who have expressed concern, frustration and outrage at the news of the mistrial declared in the court case against Michael Slager, the former North Charleston, South Carolina police officer who shot and killed Walter Scott, black and unarmed, after a routine traffic stop in 2015.

Here we are again in this all too familiar scenario, where there is incontrovertible proof (amateur video) that shows evidence of police brutality and overreach which ends in the death of a black man, yet our judicial system fails to render a conviction.  After days of deliberation, the jury cannot agree unanimously to convict the former officer.

Central Connecticut State University’s Connecticut Racial Profiling Prohibition Project has found significant racial disparities in traffic stops here in Connecticut.  CCSU’s work also cites a number of municipal law enforcement agencies for patterns in racial or ethnic disparities associated with traffic stops. Towns like BloomfieldNew MilfordNorwalkWest HartfordWethersfield, and State Police Troop H were named.

What will it take for us to recognize the patterns of police misconduct? How many people have to die at the hands of the state in order for its citizens to hold accountable those who are sworn to serve and protect us?

Moral Monday CT will continue to stand with those seeking justice in the case of Walter Scott and we will continue to advocate for justice and fairness with regards to police brutality and overreach.


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