Black Women Speak – A March for Truth and Justice

We will join with Women across Connecticut in Bridgeport on Saturday, February 19th at 1 pm to march, stand with and center Black women’s voices as we demand our humanity be recognized! We must hold Mayor Ganim and other elected officials accountable for their complicity and silence in upholding racism and corruption in the Bridgeport … Continue reading Black Women Speak – A March for Truth and Justice

Understanding White Supremacy (Summer 2020)

Understanding White SupremacySummer 2020 Understanding White Supremacy (A Racial Justice Cohort) Summer Course 2020 Pamela and John Selders - Instructors/Facilitators Email:  Pamela Selders: [email protected] John Selders: [email protected] Course will begin with first session on Monday, June 15th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.  Classes will be on Monday evening throughtout the duration of the course. Course … Continue reading Understanding White Supremacy (Summer 2020)

Join the CT Rally 4 Racial Justice, Oct 1st

Moral Monday CT is mobilizing organizations, groups and people of faith and conscience to be in solidarity on October 1, 2017 in Hartford CT. Generations of marches, sit-ins, walk-outs, blocked bridges, protests, and arts activism and prayers have not delivered justice. It is our duty to hold up the #M4BL, the BlackLivesMatter movement as champions … Continue reading Join the CT Rally 4 Racial Justice, Oct 1st

Labor Day: a History of Racial Injustice

Labor Day was created at the exclusion of black workers. It was established in 1894 by President Grover Cleveland to honor and appease dissatisfied [white] railroad workers. Blacks were prohibited from joining the railroad worker’s union.  Excluded from the right to even fight for fair work and wages, the Pullman porters formed their own union. … Continue reading Labor Day: a History of Racial Injustice