Join the CT Rally 4 Racial Justice, Oct 1st

Moral Monday CT is mobilizing organizations, groups and people of faith and conscience to be in solidarity on October 1, 2017 in Hartford CT. Generations of marches, sit-ins, walk-outs, blocked bridges, protests, and arts activism and prayers have not delivered justice. It is our duty to hold up the #M4BL, the BlackLivesMatter movement as champions … Continue reading Join the CT Rally 4 Racial Justice, Oct 1st

Power to the People

During our #MonthofResistance, we at @MoralMondayCT encourage you to reclaim your power and the power of the people: February 20th #WorldDayofSocialJustice (and President’s Day) Mark it with a community clap back at #OVERREACH #WhyWeClapback POTUS #45 has his tweeting fingers on Executive Orders; law enforcement feels even more taser and trigger happy since November; and … Continue reading Power to the People

Pilgrim Foot and Knee

Some say America is experiencing a whitelash against black self-determination and power…that Trumpism would never be possible without the Presidency of Barack Obama. The proverb states that until the lions have their own storytellers, the history of the hunt will glorify the hunter. The power of story, history and propaganda are demonstrated in films such … Continue reading Pilgrim Foot and Knee

Statement Regarding SURJ-Hartford

November 19, 2016 After a time of prayer and deliberation, the executive leadership of Moral Monday CT has decided to sever ties with the Showing Up For Racial Justice, Hartford (SURJ-Hartford) organization.  Our executive leadership met with SURJ-Hartford core leadership for an extended time of conversation and could not reconcile inconsistencies/barriers that compromise our ability … Continue reading Statement Regarding SURJ-Hartford