Moral Monday CT will be the lead organization for the CT Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival in collaboration with CT’s Fight for $15, The New Haven Peoples Center and a host of other grassroots organizations and individuals from across the state. The campaign’s leadership in CT will be facilitated by a Coordinating Committee under the guidance of our tri-chairs, Bishop John Selders, Lady Pamela Selders (of MMCT) and Ms. Jackie Allen-Doucet (of Hartford Catholic Worker).

Please click on this link or scan the QR Code for bus trip information: Poor People’s Campaign – March on Washington Registration, Sat, Jun 18, 2022 at 2:00 AM | Eventbrite
If you have further questions or want more information about the trip/campaign, email moralmondayct@gmail.com
CT Poor People’s Campaign is being supported by a number of committed partner organizations to include:
Amistad United Church of Christ, Moral Monday CT, Hartford Catholic Worker, War Resisters-CT, The Unitarian Universalist Society:East, The Universalist Church of West Hartford, Mt. Aery Baptist Church-Bridgeport, AFT-Connecticut, SEIU 1199 – CT, ACLU-CT, CT Chapter – Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, NARAL Pro-Choice CT, CT-CORE Organize Now, CT Citizen Action Group, The Women’s March – CT, NOW-CT, CT Bail Fund, New London Chapter-NAACP, Central Christian Church of Danbury, New Haven People’s Center, Answer CT, Women of Justice-Northeast Region, 32BJ SEIU-CT and a host of individual justice seeking freedom fighters!