Poor People’s Campaign Announcement

Message from Bishop JS https://videopress.com/v/BtQDG0W1?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true Please click on this link or scan the QR Code for bus trip information: Poor People's Campaign - March on Washington Registration, Sat, Jun 18, 2022 at 2:00 AM | Eventbrite If you have further questions or want more information about the trip/campaign, email moralmondayct@gmail.com

Black Women Speak – A March for Truth and Justice

We will join with Women across Connecticut in Bridgeport on Saturday, February 19th at 1 pm to march, stand with and center Black women’s voices as we demand our humanity be recognized! We must hold Mayor Ganim and other elected officials accountable for their complicity and silence in upholding racism and corruption in the Bridgeport … Continue reading Black Women Speak – A March for Truth and Justice