Poor People’s Campaign Announcement
Message from Bishop JS https://videopress.com/v/BtQDG0W1?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true Please click on this link or scan the QR Code for bus trip information: Poor People's Campaign - March on Washington Registration, Sat, Jun 18, 2022 at 2:00 AM | Eventbrite If you have further questions or want more information about the trip/campaign, email moralmondayct@gmail.com
#Giving Tuesday
A good bargain puts a smile on your face. But giving back?That makes your heart, mind, and wallet smile, too! Hello MMCT Family,Your inbox is likely packed with Cyber Monday Deals today, so we're just stopping by to remind you that your tax-deductible gift to Moral Monday CT on #GivingTuesday will not only flood your brain … Continue reading #Giving Tuesday
End Voter Suppression in CT NOW
End Voter Suppression in CT May 3, 2021 MMCT Family, Please demand CT State lawmakers pass Early & “No Excuse” Absentee Voting! We need your help. They need to do it now. Please write them a letter or email saying just that. We all should have the freedom to vote either in-person early or by absentee ballot … Continue reading End Voter Suppression in CT NOW