Bishop JS’s Written Testimony on the Police Accountability Bill

Written Testimony of Bishop John Selders Co-Founder of Moral Monday CT Before The Judiciary Committee Listening Session of Proposed Legislation on Police Accountability July 17, 2020 Good Morning State Senator Winfield and State Representative Stafstrom and members of the Judiciary Committee. My name is John Selders, Pastor of Amistad United Church of Christ, Hartford, CT … Continue reading Bishop JS’s Written Testimony on the Police Accountability Bill

My Tribute to The Rev. Dr. C. T. Vivian and Congressman John Lewis

My Tribute to The Rev. Dr. C. T. Vivian and Congressman John Lewis As I sit watching and listening to the wonderful reactions and remarks of so many about these two giants for the cause of human and civil rights, I feel compelled to share my own.  For I too have had my life be … Continue reading My Tribute to The Rev. Dr. C. T. Vivian and Congressman John Lewis