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National Justice Ride for Survivors of Holtzclaw

Stand With Herwe believe black women

Black Women’s Blueprint with hundreds of activists are riding to Oklahoma City (OKC) in a Justice Ride to stand with the survivors of Daniel Holtzclaw — and symbolically stand with every survivor of sexual violence by State agents and individuals across the country.


Media silence on Holtzclaw and his sexual violence against upwards of 32 women and the 13 Oklahoma City survivors who denounced his actions demands that we tell our JANUARY 21: HOLTZCLAW SENTENCING DAYown story.  Like Moral Monday CT’s All Roads Lead to Ferguson Tour, the Justice Ride will gather activists and call for “an end to the white supremacist apparatus” which pervades our criminal justice and law enforcement system.

Moral Monday CT supports Black women and girls.  We call on our members and other people of faith to promote the Justice Ride.  We reaffirm that a human rights violation, a rape, a killing or abuse of one Black body undermines the health, sustainability and viability of all Black communities, the beloved community and our nation.


#StandWithHer    #RideForHer   #CenterBlackWomen #StandWithBlackWomen

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