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Statement Regarding State’s Attorney Hardy’s Report regarding the killing of Anthony Jose “Chulo” Vega Cruz

chulo_march-56Statement Regarding State’s Attorney Gail Hardy’s Report regarding the killing of Anthony Jose “Chulo” Vega Cruz

March 18, 2020

It is with much exasperation, we receive the news today of Hartford State’s Attorney Gail Hardy’s released report stating that her office will not pursue charges against Wethersfield Police Officer, Layau Eulizier for the killing of 18-yearo-ld Anthony Jose “Chulo” Vega Cruz on April 20, 2019.  Something remains very wrong with our system and our society that despite consistent outcries of obvious wrongdoing, senseless acts like these continue to occur. Another young person of color’s life is snuffed out way too soon at the hands of law enforcement and no one will be held legally accountable.  Chulo should not be dead.

Bishop John Selders, Co-Founder of Moral Monday CT reflecting on today’s released report states, “Our hearts go out to Chulo’s family as they walk through what is certainly devastating news not only this family but to our entire community and what are understandably very raw emotions for the injustice of this decision.  And in the midst of the uncertainty we are living in facing this global pandemic and its local impact, releasing this report now is suspect, questionable and demonstrates very little care.”

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King in his address at the March on Washington in 1963 said, “There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, ‘When will you be satisfied?’ We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality.” 57 years later here in Connecticut, Moral Monday CT will never be satisfied as long as black and brown people continue to be victimized by an unrestrained and unchecked system.  We remain committed to do the work of racial justice and system change.

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