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CTBW 1st Year Anniversary

CTBW 1 Yr Donate.jpg

Happy Anniversary CT Black Women!   

Connecticut Black Women (CTBW) would like to express gratitude to each and everyone for a year of care and regard. Whether through public acknowledgement, volunteerism, showing up or offering words of  encouragement, it meant so much expecially in our new beginning. Your consideration help us to serve well. Thank you!  

This time last year, CTBW commenced in doing work that affirmatively shifts narratives about Black women and girls in Connecticut.

In our own voice and readiness, we began building collaboratively, cooperatively, cross-culturally and racially within community, non profits and the academy. While there has been some benefit, we’ve only just begun in our assignment of service. We need your help.  Although, of course, your continued promotion and embrace are always more than welcomed, we need also your donations to continue with more consistency and greater effectiveness.

Please, click here and find the donation button and push to give. Much appreciation, again for helping CTBW build our beloved community together!


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