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A Look Back-CTBW

20190529_102106Happy 2020!  A New Year.  A new decade.  A new day.

Sadly, all of the injustices we so diligently challenged and struggled against throughout 2019 and many years prior followed us into this new year.  Struggles and challenges that helped bring Connecticut Black Women into existence in early 2019.

One such challenge is of Black women organizing together amid the pressure of systemic racism and predominant whiteness.  This makes CTBW coming together a counter-cultural feat.  We are very proud to stand and work with one another.

We also struggle for Reproductive Freedom that centers Black women and girls who are the least represented and the most targeted.

We struggle for our political voices and power to be seen, know, heard, felt and supported.  Together, we are building our political community.

So yes, 2019 had it’s struggles and yet we are grateful because it led us into this new day and introduced CTBW who with urgency came in doing the work of organizing, collaborating and standing for Black women and girls.  Be it a workshop, a rally, a protest, a political event or life-enhancing support, CTBW was there!

We are excited and look forward to the blessings of this new day filled with new inspirations, new imaginations, new opportunities and new life!

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