March 16, 2019
Lady Pamela and I would like to invite you to join us for a live webinar with our justice
family and visiting guests Chrissy Stonebraker-Martinez and Marc Alvarado from the Interreligious Task Force on Central America and Colombia.
Carrying on the legacy of these women martyrs, IRTF educates, advocates, and organizes for peace, justice, and human rights for the people of Central America and Colombia. IRTF engages people in the US in consumer and political advocacy to build long-term structural change in Latin America. The IRTF mission statement calls together people in the U.S. to walk in solidarity with the oppressed peoples of Central America and Colombia to achieve peace, justice, human rights, and systemic transformation through nonviolence.
Chrissy and Marc are here in CT helping us engage in conversations with faith leaders and other people of faith from across the state. We thought we’d host a webinar in a time of sharing about the work Chrissy and Marc have been involved in and how MMCT might connect and partner with IRTF in the future.
Please join Sunday night, March 17th from 7:30 to 8:30 pm Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: MMCT Webinar on Immigrations
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See you then!
Lady Pamela and Bishop JS