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Statement Regarding Police Brutality

Good Friday 2018

Statement Regarding Police Brutality

March 30, 2018

Moral Monday CT stands in solidarity with the host of so many others from across the country who have joined with sisters and brothers in Sacramento, CA in outrage of the brutal police shooting of Stephon Clark.  Something remains very wrong in our nation that, despite consistent outcries of obvious wrongdoing, senseless acts like this continue to occur.

Again, we have video documentation which ends in the death of another unarmed black man.  We know and understand the devastating impact a shooting of this nature has on not only a family and a community but also a people who experience the living of their lives in urban setting under occupation with “Broken Window”, “Stop and Frisk”, “Shoot First/Ask Question Later” tactics in use.

We are reminded of the names of so many in the recent past….Terrance Crutcher, Sandra Bland, Philando Castile, and Freddie Gray just to name a few, whose lives were cut short by police brutal involvement.  We remember Connecticut’s own, Jason Negron whose shooting in Bridgeport has produced no righteous outcome to date.  And with the news this week that no charges will be filed against two Baton Rouge police officers in the 2016 shooting death of Alton Sterling, after an investigation determined that the shooting was justified.

Today, as many Christians will observe Good Friday, we are prompted to reflect on the use and misuse of violence by the state and how the pattern of violence plague our society.  How many people have to die at the hands of the state in order for its citizens to hold accountable those who are sworn to serve and protect us?

Moral Monday CT will stand with those seeking and advocating for justice and fairness with regards to police brutality, overreach and gun violence.


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