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Palestine/Israel Trip

March 1, 201820180116_095320

Hello Freedom Fighting Family!

Traveling to Palestine/Israel and Jordan was a profound experience!  It was an amazing journey with many highlights, wonderful stories to share lots of pictures and several very important insights. We are looking forward to sharing with you our trip in the coming weeks.

However, we must say…Thank You!

Many of you responded to the ask and contributed financial gifts both large and small. Your warm wishes of safe travels and encouragement before our departure meant a great deal. You honored us by insuring we were able to travel with your blessings. And for that we are so humbled and proud to be among you.

We are also grateful to our partners, the Tree of Life Educational Fund and the Greater Hartford Islamic Association (The Berlin Mosque) for the shared leadership, support and accompaniment experienced doing this trip.

Special thanks to our friends at the Global Ministries of the United Church of Christ/Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) for their support, as well.

We have been invited to share in our first debrief of our trip, this coming March 4th at the Unitarian Universalist Society:East in Manchester, 2 pm.  Here’s a link to the Facebook Event

Please stay tuned for other debriefing events across the state of Connecticut where we will share pictures, stories and analysis from our trip. It is our hope and our commitment as we travel to bring back to you what we believe are significant and relevant learnings and insights that help us continue on the path of justice making here and around the world.

In the Struggle,
Bishop John Selders and Lady Pamela Selders

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