Moral Monday CT
2017 in Review
2017 has turned out to be an extraordinarily active year for us. Our work together has produced vital opportunities for our community to be engaged in the struggle for justice. It began with the historic gathering of women in Washington DC the day after the inauguration of this country’s 45th president. Lady Pamela led MMCT delegation along with hundreds of others from Connecticut. They joined with over 2 million at the Women’s March!
Bishop was among nearly 100 activists in Washington DC who made their way to our nation’s Capital in an act of civil disobedience advocating for the Affordable Care Act. He was one of the 48 that was arrested.
Over 100 women came together as Moral Monday CT’s Women of Resistance gathered in early February to debrief the Washington DC gathering, Connecticut gatherings across the state and the work of justice led by freedom fighting women!
We were a part of a powerful trip to Palestine, Israel and Bosnia in March with our friends from the Tree of Life Educational Fund, 1st Congregational Church, Old Lyme, CT and The Greater Hartford Islamic Association (The Berlin Mosque)!!!
Bishop and Lady Pamela led Revolutionary Conversation sessions with several faith based organizations, lead online Moral Monday CT Webinars on a variety of topics within the contexts of the #Movement4BlackLives.
Led or co-sponsored some amazing actions…..
Black Lives Matter Rally (June)
Justice, Academic Freedom & White Supremacy (July)
Rally for Racial Justice (October)
In June, MMCT with the Due Justice Coalition, led an act of civil disobedience of faith leaders from across the state at CT State House as we sang and prayed for our legistlators and law makers to pass a moral state budget.
In late July, we were invited to Washington DC with our friends from The Religious Institute and Planned Parenthood doing important advocacy work on the eve of the Senate vote on the Affordable Care Act.
August was a busy month for us as we were ask to co-sponsor the Hartford premiere viewing of “Whose Street”, a documentary about the Ferguson Uprising.
Lady Pamela and Bishop led and facilitated a community talk back directly afterwards.
Our MMCT team made the commitment to join with our friends in Boston to stand against White Supremacy. Thousands came out to witness to our shared value of love. Bishop was to take a leadership role with faith leaders in preparation directly before the march.
We have worked with Outstanding local, national and international partners, CT Citizen Action Group, Due Justice Coalition, Safe Our Schools Coalition, CT Core-Organize Now!, Black Lives Matter-New Haven, People Against Police Brutality, CT Black American Emancipation Challenge, CT Cross Disabilities Lifespan Alliance, CT Statewide NAACP, ACLU of CT, Fellowship of Reconciliation (USA), , Repairers of the Breach, InterReligious Task Force on Central America and Columbia, Brazilian Police Watch, Mothers of May (Brazil), just to name a few….
Bishop JS, Lady Pamela with Dr. Jesse Turner in Washington DC in September!
“While realism cannot determine the goals of our faith, it must shape our strategy in movements of moral dissent.” ― William J. Barber II, The Third Reconstruction: Moral Mondays, Fusion Politics, and the Rise of a New Justice Movement
We are thrilled to be in solidarity with all of you as we change the world we live in. We are thankful to have completed the tasks offered in 2017 and excited to continue forward in this year 2018. So let us now do more for the cause of justice!
Moral Monday CT