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MMCT WOR Gathering December 11 2017


December 2, 2017

Greetings Family!

The year is nearly at an end. The work of women for racial justice multiplied exponential!  We’ve had an eventful and active year! Full of rallies and other activities that have required us to work together for the cause of justice.

This MMCT Women Of Resistance (WOR) gathering will offer an opportunity for all to connect in, reflect on 2017 work,..successes and challenges, discuss events and activities for the coming year and do a bit of strategic planning.

When: Monday, December 11 at 7 PM – 9 PM
Where: Trinity College, Admissions Bldg. 300 Summit Street, Hartford CT

Please join us! We will have light refreshments. Parking available on Summit Street and around the circle of the Admissions building. (Admissions building located next to Chapel) See you there!

Here’s FB Event Page, let us know you are interesting and coming.


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