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About Moral Monday CT

Moral Monday CT gathers voices in the struggle for freedom and justice for black and brown people.

We are rooted in the social justice and civil rights movement started by the Reverend Doctor William Barber of North Carolina in response to recent restrictions on voting rights. We are a statewide Connecticut-based coalition of individuals and organizations brought together by the power of the Black Lives Matter movement. Moral Monday CT was founded by Bishop John Selders, Lady Pamela Selders, and Rev. Cornell Lewis. 

Partner organizations include: Black Lives Matter, the Fellowship of Reconciliation, Ferguson Action, Deep Abiding Love Project and others.


Bishop John L. Selders, Jr. CLS, D.D

The Right Reverend Doctor John L. Selders, Jr. is an ordained minister serving in the United Church of Christ, the Organizing Pastor of Amistad United Church of Christ, Hartford, CT, Associate Chaplain at Trinity College, Hartford, CT and Vice Chair of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.

Bishop Selders has done his academic and theological reflection attending Life Christian Bible College, Webster University, Eden Theological Seminary and Anglican Divinity School. In addition to being a talented award winning songwriter, musician and performer with local, national, and international credits, he is also the Bishop Presider of The Inter-Denominational Conference of Liberation Congregations and Ministries (ICLCM) and is the Co-Convening Bishop of The Sacred College of Progressive Episcopates (SCPE).

Bishop Selders is a nationally known educator, lecturer, preacher, trainer, facilitator and activist in the areas of race, anti-racism and internalized oppression.

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