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Three Steps Toward a More Perfect Union

A Prayer to Revive Connecticut’s Democracy

Come, ancestors and descendants,

Let us seek justice.

Let us restore our streets.

Let us love mercy.

Let us repair the breach.

Come, persons from all faiths and none. Let us walk humbly with the Holy One of many names. FORWARD TOGETHER, NOT ONE STEP BACK!

(Adapted from Rev. Dr. William Barber)

The need for morally-grounded fusion politics is needed more than ever to move our state and our nation forward. People of color and millennials will be key in shaping our budget, our state and our nation in the days ahead.  To that end, Moral Monday CT invited UCONN School of Social Work Student (Master’s 2016), Emily Loveland to share three steps we can take this election season

  1.  Think Global, Act Local – the Down Ballot

Down-ballot candidates like state senators and representatives impact our every day lives. Our votes have serious influence on policies and those who create them. For example: whether we have state tax loopholes for big businesses, whether we fund re-entry programs for those affected by mass incarceration, whether public schools are equitably funded.  Municipal elections have without a doubt the lowest electoral activity of all. Yet municipal candidates have the ability to make the most direct impact on our community.  Only about 10% of eligible voters in Hartford cast a ballot in the last democratic primary, leaving the leadership of the city in the hands of a few. Find out more about voting rights in Connecticut.

  2.  Elected Officials Listen – Use Social Media!

Elected officials are working for us, and their job is to hear us. Moral Monday CT invites yo
u to contact your elected officials and candidates on social media using these messages:

3.  Elected Officials Who Reflect our Values

We need hardworking elected officials who believe in their constituents. Would you consider public service?  We need genuine candidates and leadership from communities of color to help lead our state and our nation in the right direction. Interested? Check out the Humphreys Institute for Political Social Work Annual Campaign School (at UCONN March 3 & 4, 2017. More information at )

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