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Nuns on the Bus “Mend the Gap” Stop in Hartford Hosted by Moral Monday CT

On July 24th, the Nuns on the Bus, lead by Sister Simone Campbell, came to Hartford for their “Mending the Gaps” tour across the U.S. While in Hartford, Moral Monday CT hosted the group and discussed efforts towards racial justice in Hartford and the state at large. The lunch was hosted by Rev. Curtis Farr of St. James Episcopal Church in West Hartford.

Hartford represents one of the starkest examples of income inequality in the nation.  Connecticut’s urban residents, including Hartford’s – 83% of which are black and Latino — are caught in a historic web of race-based economics.

For this reason, the caucus took on issues of inequity and justice. Nearly 200 attended the caucus, as Sister Campbell led the group in a discussion of issues facing Connecticut and the nation. Guests sat at table rounds, each identified with a specific topic including “Democracy,” “Citizenship,” “Family-friendly workplaces,” and “Tax justice.” Sister Campbell asked each table to brainstorm on these social issues. Sister Campbell then prompted participants to think about what a just world would like, and what policies would help us get there.

Moral Monday CT called on people of faith to practice the politics of inclusion.  To that end, the caucus included a call to political action as the Nuns handed out campaign cards, both of the Connecticut Senate race and the U.S. Presidential election. Participants signed the “bus” in which the nuns are traveling across the country.     

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