“I was going to
die, sooner or later, whether or not I had even spoken myself. My silences had not protected me. Your silences will not protect you…. What are the words you do not yet have? What are the tyrannies you swallow day by day and attempt to make your own, until you will sicken and die of them, still in silence? We have been socialized to respect fear more than our own need for language.”
Audre Lorde
Moral Monday CT gathers supporters, activists and protestors to disrupt business as usual in Connecticut. This makes space for discourse on white supremacy, police violence and racist policies in the post-Ferguson era. People of faith were called to witness and occupy Hartford city streets, the Hartford stadium and the Bushnell Theatre. By risking arrest and putting our bodies on the line in support of Black Lives, we, the protestors, have joined the new movement for Black freedom and power in the United States.
“It wasn’t a choice for me. I don’t have a choice. It’s very personal. Taking arrest is making change, it makes an impact one person at a time,” said one of activists who has been arrested for non-violent disruption several times, ” said one of the #CityLineDozen and #Hartford17.
Another protestor-activist with Moral Monday CT who has taken arrest for non-violent civil disobedience added,“we are called to disorderly conduct in a society where orderly conduct is used to oppress our sisters and brothers.”
Moral Monday CT Transforms Allies into Activists
You can help to make racial justice and police violence a part of the dialogue with elected officials.
- Pray with your feet. Tu rn up, take risks and commit devotional acts of non-violent civil disobedience. Invite your friends, family and colleagues to do the same.
- Contribute. Donate to Moral Monday CT to support continued action. Invite your friends, family and colleagues to do the same.
- Use social media as a tool for justice. Like Moral Monday CT on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram. Invite your friends, family and colleagues to do the same. Build the movement.
- Stay Woke. Get educated on the substance behind the demands. Let elected officials know we are watching.